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Автор Тема: Uxjxkj What J.K. said Rowling on transgender people and women  (Прочитано 2600 раз)


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Rasa The parsley war
The founders of religions often have common characteristics. Jesus of Nazareth, new balance damen founder of Christianity, asics laufschuhe f眉r damen and Siddhartha Gautama, converse shoes chucks the Indian ascetic founder of Buddhism, asics gel1130 have several. One is that for a few centuries after their deaths no one painted or sculpted their faces and both were depicted with symbols: a fish or a shepherd for Jesus, the imprint of a foot or a banyan tree, for example, for Siddhartha. Today, however, almost everyone - believers or not - recognizes Jesus and Siddhartha in the representations that depict them. In an article in the New York Times Style Magazine, journalist Aatish Taseer explained how we got there in the case of Buddha. A small clarification is needed. The word "buddha" indicates a person who, according to Buddhism, has reached the highest level of enlightenment. Written withthe capital B is the most common way to call Siddhartha Gautama, but any human being can become a buddha according to Buddhism. This is important to know because not all depictions of a buddha represent the historical figure Siddhartha Gautama, also called Sakyamuni Buddha after his family name. Some, for example, represent legendary characters who were Siddhartha's previous lives, and symbolize more of a quality of certain ways of being a buddha. They largely resemble each other because in Buddhist iconography some physical characteristics are considered typical of buddhas. But everything also depends on the Buddhist school that is taken into consideration. What is certain is that for the first six centuries after the death of Siddhartha Gautama, which occurred in the 5th century BC, there were no statues or paintings depicting him. Early Buddhism 鈥?as well as ...


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Dnwcyj DocumentaMadrid, protagonist of the month of May at Cineteca
« Ответ #1 : 13.21.2024 20:21:21 pm »

Raaj Thirteen victims of violence and trafficking complete their training for
The Third Deputy Mayor of Madrid, nike jordan4 Mauricio Valiente, air jordan4 has defended this afternoon that 鈥渁ll housing policy must be based on a rights-based approach鈥? adidas yeezy and that 鈥渟peculation is incompatible with guarantee of the right to housing.鈥?In this sense, new balance damen the Third Deputy Mayor has added that 鈥渟trong measures must be taken鈥?and recalled that 鈥済oal 13 of the Human Rights Plan of the Madrid City Council links the City Council's policies to the right to housing and forces us to take measures against 'homelessness'.Statements by Valiente during his participation in the round table entitled 'The role of cities in protecting the right to housing', adidas yeezys organized in the 'Encuentros' initiative in the CAsa de Cisneros', in the Plaza de la Villa. A table in which the strategies and mechanisms for the protection of the right to housing by municipal policies have been addressed, in accordance with the applicable state and international legislation, and in which the Third Deputy Mayor has referred to organizations international, to remember that 鈥渨e agree with the United Nations special rapporteur on housing: housing is a right, and not a commodity.鈥?...


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Nxwg Marta Higueras closes the Working Day on Educational Couples
The mayor of Madrid, nike sb dunk Jos茅 Luis Mart铆nez-Almeida, yeezy boost has presented, nike high dunk after the Government Meeting held this morning, dunks the draft budget for the next year, asics accompanied by the delegate of Economy, Innovation and Finance, Engracia Hidalgo. These accounts will allow the City Council to have 5,939 million euros next year, 7.2% more than the 2022 budget (399 million euros more), which implies an annual increase of 3.6% of the current one. is extended. The 2024 budget is a realistic budget, in budget balance, adjusted to the current socioeconomic context, prepared on the basis of realistic growth and supported by national economic forecasts that, once again, lowers the fiscal pressure on citizens.s and companies in 40.3 million euros and that will allow the transformation of the city begun in the previous mandate to continue with the promotion of projects such as the burying of the A-5 or the covering of the M-30 at the height of Ventas, among others. These projects will consolidate the great moment of the capital as an economic and employment generation engine in Spain and all this, without increasing the municipal debt, which will stand at 1,914 million euros, maintaining the debt ratio at 35%.In addition, these accounts will emphasize social spending which, once again, increases by 79 million euros compared to the previous budget to reach 1,133 million euros, 7.5% more than in 2022; in reinforcing public services, especially cleaning and green areas (158 million more), in investing more in housing; in enhancing the image of Madrid as a destinationtourism, and increase the budget by 35% in the digitalization of public services...


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Tixs Mar Gonz谩lez calls for a commitment to an impartial, independent and accountable Public Service.
The GPP spokesperson assures that the president of Congress, low dunks nike third authority of the State, dunk sb is doing 鈥渆normous damage鈥?to the Chamber, dunk nike low devaluing the prestige of the institution. 鈥淪he cannot continue even one more minute鈥? yeezy sandales says Tellado, yeezy who considers that 鈥渟he is not ethically, morally or politically qualified鈥?to carry out her position. 鈥淓verything indicates that she collaborated with the plot and has tried to deceive to the EU asking that, with community funds, it assume the expense of this scam," says the popular leader, who highlights that, for democratic cleanliness, Armengol must resign as soon as possible because "he has played with the money, health and intelligence of the Spaniards鈥滺e emphasizes that the PP will not stop until the PSOE gives explanations and assumes political responsibilities, 鈥渨hoever falls鈥?and criticizes the 鈥渃ynicism, hypocrisy and cowardice鈥?shown by the President of the Government,who continues to 鈥渉ide鈥?She claims that Armengol should never have been named president because her political career was already 鈥渂urdened鈥?by two important scandals: having skipped the confinement that she herself decreed and a case of abuse of warded minors She denounces that our country has a president 鈥渃ornered鈥? several ministers 鈥渙n a tightrope and the president of Congress singled out for a plot that points to her as one of the main people responsible for what happened. Remember that the dismissal of 脕balos by S谩nchez was never explained and indicates that possibly At that time he was aware of what happened. 鈥淎ny citizen who is aware of a crime has the obligation to bring it to the attention of Justice, let alone whether that citizen is the President of the Government,鈥?he highlights. 鈥淭he Government is reeling because its foundations are rotten by the blackmail of an amnesty.鈥?unaffordable and for everything that represents a corruption plot in the middle of a pandemic,鈥?asserts Lalaunches a message in defense of democracy, through the 'Route for equality' launched by the PP to demand...


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Mtdloz Free training for the unemployed
« Ответ #4 : 16.51.2024 20:51:47 pm »

Qzuk The City Council approves an institutional declaration on the occasion of the D&ia
Non-profit social entities and institutions may present their projects related to equal opportunities. The Government of the City of Madrid has approved this week the public call for the granting of subsidies during 2013, yeezys kaufen which are distributed in this way: 400,000 euros for equal opportunity projects between women and men, nike dunks high 139,050 euros for issues related to homeless people and 334,287 euros for programs related to people with disabilities, yeezy boost ethnic minorities and social insertion. The objective is to consolidate the collaboration of the City Council with the social initiative of Madrid that, air forces like the municipal administration, asics schuhe promotes and carries out actions in favor of the integration of the most vulnerable citizens. dThat is why the subsidies are allocated to projects that, seeking to improve the quality of life and well-being of citizens, complement the actions of the General Directorate of Equal Opportunities of the Area of 鈥嬧€婩amily, Social Services and Citizen Participation of the City Council of Madrid, The requirements to qualify for these aid are, fundamentally, to be a non-profit social entity and to develop projects in the municipality of Madrid. The call is annual (from January to December 2013) and only one project per entity can be submitted. The deadline for submitting applications is 15 calendar days from the day following the publication of the call in the Official Gazette of the Madrid City Council. In the 2012 call, a total of 104 projects corresponding to equality, immigration, and homeless people were subsidized. and vulnerable groupsrables.Prevention of violenceIn the chapter of equal opportunities between men and women, projects must...


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Eqpztv Five projects welcoming immigrants
« Ответ #5 : 17.13.2024 18:13:24 pm »

Vvlb The City Council approves the expansion of the Pr Building Catalog
While jazz music begins to play on some Madrid stages, works of Finnish design are exhibited in Matadero and in Conde Duque an exhibition on another master of musical art is being prepared, dunks nike low Alb茅niz.Next Wednesday , new balance nb 530 November 11, the Isaac Alb茅niz exhibition opens in the B贸vedas de Conde Duque room, nike dunk Legends and truths, converse plateau , which will be open until January 30, 2010. Organized by the Arts Area of 鈥嬧€媡he Madrid City Council and the State Society of Cultural Commemorations, coordinated by the Ministry of Culture, and with the collaboration of the National Library, the exhibition tries to establish the reality of the figure of the artist and deny the legends about him.The composer's epistolary, his art gallery and his permanentVisits to Spain give him a new dimension, outside the clich茅 of the "gifted pianist" enclosed in the notes of the keyboard. Meanwhile, at the Matadero Madrid Design Center you can visit an exhibition titled Helsinki Madrid FinDesign, one of the central activities of Finnish Design Month. It is the second edition of an initiative that shows, every year, the best of design from a country at the forefront in this matter. From Tuesday to Friday, from 4 to 10 p.m., and on holidays from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., those interested will be able to see two hundred objects from Finnish designers and companies until January 4, check out the evolution of design in this country throughout the year. time and appreciate both the latest furniture from Tapiovaara Family and the results of the work of the young creators of 2009, Mikko Laakkonen and Terhi Tuominen.Jazz at the Fern谩n G贸mez TheaterFinally, at the Fern谩n G贸mez theater, tomorrow, Friday, November 6,...


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Lcsp Ana Botella presents the Tourism Awards of the City of Madrid
The Madrid Visitors & Convention Bureau Tourism Office has incorporated six new routes to the Official Guided Visits Program. From traditional walking tours and visits adapted for people with disabilities to bicycle itineraries for the most athletic and also for the little ones. Until Three Kings Day, converse all star visitors and Madrid residents can learn about, yeezy damen together with the city guides, yeezy boost the history and atmosphere of a festival that Madrid experiences in such a special way and that They have become one of its great tourist attractions. The city is transformed: lights of all colors projected by some of the most prestigious Spanish designers flood its streets, yeezys slide shows and family proposals multiply, adidas yeezy the pastriesThey prepare the most irresistible sweets and shops surprise with their gift displays. "Christmas Traditions", "Historical Nativity Scenes", "The Adventure of Rat贸n P茅rez and El Rey Buby" and "Guess Madrid" cost 5.90 euros for adults and are free for children under five years old. "Christmas by bike" costs 6.90 euros and the adapted tour "Christmas in Madrid" is free, like the rest of the adapted routes that are part of the program. With the family and the Constitution Bridge The whole family can enjoy the story-telling route dedicated to the P茅rez mouse. An opportunity to make the same trip that little King Buby made, which was what King Alfonso The Plaza de Oriente is theStarting point of this walk that includes the Plazas de Isabel II and Callao and the streets Jacometrezo and Arenal. The little ones ...


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Tfah Madrid offers a wide and varied program of cultural activities
The Environment and Mobility Area intends to increase the workforce of Mobility Agents by 22% with the incorporation of 130 new personnel. The objective, nike sb dunk , reinforces the body to increase its visibility and the impact of its functions. The formula to put it into effect, adidas yeezys the modification of the current regulations for Mobility Agents. Thus, adidas yeezys as explained by the municipal spokesperson, dunk high nike Inmaculada Sanz, flip flops yeezy the Governing Board approved this Wednesday the final project that modifies the Regulations of the Corps of Mobility Agents of the Madrid City Council, which must now be approved by the Municipal Plenary Session. The body of Mobility Agents was born through a plenary agreement of January 27, 2004 so that these new professionals of the municipal administration asumed the traffic functions from which the Municipal Police were freed. Since then, the maximum number of officers reached by the staff was 750 agents in 2009. Over the years, due to retirements and internal promotions, that figure has been reduced until reaching the current 592 agents of a body that , since its creation, has been assuming new functions. New groups for internal promotion The Regulations of the Corps of Mobility Agents regulate in its article 13.2 three professional categories: that of mobility technician, belonging to Group A2; mobility supervisor, from Group C1, and mobility agent, from Group C2. In the current wording of point 3 of the aforementioned article 13, reference is made to the selective internal promotion processes, which, until now, could be attended exclusively by members of the classification group.immediately inferior to that of the places called for access to the categories that make up the body. The situation that is...


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Wtxa The City Council approves a contract of 1.5 million euros to expand the offer
Image of several tourists in the vicinity of the Prado Museum. Since January, jordan4 the City of Madrid has received a total of 5,766,609 visitors, nb a 10, nike dunk high 1% more than in the accumulated from January to September 2009. In this case the variation of the capital is nine tenths lower than that of the Community (11, yeezy boost 0%), nike store dunk but higher by more than four points compared to that of Spain as a whole (6.9%). In the accumulated number of the last 12 months, the City of Madrid has reached 7,692,492 visitors, the highest number ever recorded. Overnight stays in the month of September also show record numbers. Specifically, there were 1,386,808, which represents a variation with respect to the month of September 2009 of 13.2%. This variation is almost one point higher than that of the Community of Madrid(12.4%) and more than five times that of Spain (8.0%). The variation in overnight stays generated by foreign tourism is once again especially relevant, also increasing by more than 18%. Since the beginning of the year, The total number of overnight stays in the City of Madrid amounts to 11,208,249, which represents a variation with respect to the same period last year (January to September) of 12.65%, half a point lower than that of the Community ( 13.1%), but higher by more than six points than that of Spain (6.32%). In the accumulated of the last 12 months, overnight stays have reached the highest figure ever recorded: 14,912,924.As for The average stay has grown by 2.7% compared to a year ago, reaching 1.94 days in September. The occupancy rate also continues to grow. Last month, the occupation byrooms reached 70.8%, six points higher than in September of the previous year./More multimedia files...


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Buzx Mobility Plan on the occasion of the 'Pride 2009' demonstration
The mayor of the City of Madrid, dunk panda Ana Botella, yeezy boost will visit tomorrow Saturday, yeezy ciabatte July 28, nike dunk low at 1:30 p.m., tennis yeezys the Olympic Village in London to hold a meeting with Spanish athletes. Since his arrival in London, Botella has maintained a busy agenda that began on Thursday, July 26, with the presentation to the media at the Olympic headquarters of the Madrid project for 2020. A project that already has 87% of the infrastructure and with extensive experience in organizing sporting events, hosting 77 world championships and 85 European championships over the last 10 years. Over the next two years, 6 World Cups and a European Olympic sports event will be organized in the capital of Spain./...


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Mpczpo Castilla-La Mancha launches transport aid for this Friday
« Ответ #10 : 23.28.2024 18:28:34 pm »

Phtq The commitment to prevention in the fragility of older people, key for
Castilla-La Mancha will have a public bank of farmland 鈥渟o that young people and those who do not have access to land can enter agriculture in better conditions.鈥?This was stated today by the Minister of Agriculture, new balance femme Water and Rural Development, adidas samba bianche Francisco Mart铆nez Arroyo, adidas campus femme in statements to the media at the end of the meeting of the Agrarian Council ; a debate forum in which agricultural organizations, new balance mujer (Asaja, stanley cup COAG and UPA), Agri-Food Cooperatives, the UGT and CCOO unions and the confederation of businessmen CECAM are present. This land bank will be the result of the extinction of the Agrarian Chambers in Castilla-La Mancha, once the draft law by which these entities disappear, now indisused since the professional agricultural organizations were created. Upon their extinction, the assets of these Chambers will be managed by the Community Board of Castilla-La Mancha for agricultural purposes, and the use or real estate properties may be transferred to agricultural organizations and the money will be used for investments in infrastructure. rural roads in the provinces where it has been generated, such as rural roads. Within the real estate heritage is the rustic heritage, which will be the 鈥済erm鈥?of this future public land bank, 鈥渉ighly demanded by agricultural organizations that have given their unanimity in favor of this preliminary project,鈥?explained the counselor. Extraordinary aid for the wine sector In addition to this issue, at today's meeting other relevant issues such as extraordinary aid for the wine sector were addressed. In this sense, Mart铆nez Arroyo recalled that this matter, supported by the region and transfersgiven in its day to the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas; and also promoted at the request of Spain in the Council of...


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Nomxtj Quality in parking as an effective alternative to mobility
« Ответ #11 : 24.41.2024 05:41:12 am »

Uiif The Plaza de Cibeles will host the final finish line of the 72nd Cycling Tour of Spain
The Economy and Employment Area of 鈥嬧€媡he Madrid City Council is launching 442 training activities this summer in the 27 Madrid Technology Classrooms, nike air force1 the network of free centers available to citizens to reduce the digital divide. Coinciding with the start of the school holidays, flip flops yeezy Madrid Tecnolog铆a focuses its Summer Campaign on free workshops aimed at bringing new technologies closer to boys and girls through recreational and at the same time educational activities. Good use of the Internet, nike dunkpanda digital leisure and culture are the protagonists of the activities. Intelligence and educational games, nike dunk high safe browsing on the Internet, nike dunk high creating techno stories, designing digital comics or mathematics on the Internet are some of the free workshops aimed at studentsprimary school courses that will be held in the 27 Madrid Technology Classrooms of the Madrid City Council located in all districts of the city. Interested parents can call 010 and register their children for free in any of these activities in the classrooms themselves or through the number 902 210 025. These workshops last one or two weeks, with two-hour sessions. daily from Monday to Friday, in the morning or afternoon. The number of places offered is limited and will be filled in order of registration. Family members can accompany their children during the workshops or let the little ones learn more autonomously in the Classroom and pick them up at the end of each day's training activity. More information, in the Madrid Technology Classrooms, through from the websites: http://www.munimadrid.es/madridtecnologia/ or http://www.madridtecnologia.es/ or by calling 010 and 902 210 025./ More documentsCartel Talleres de Internet...


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Biqygh Gallard贸n in the municipal plenary session
« Ответ #12 : 24.34.2024 21:34:52 pm »

Nydv Gallard贸n presents the Convention Center project
Arenales Serrano to Nadia Calvi帽o: 鈥淎mbition has frozen your heart and here is Feij贸o's PP to work for the economy and dignity of Spain鈥?The senator for Valladolid assures that 鈥渨ithout business investment there is no wealth to distribute, new balance 480,000 and there are no jobs to eat from鈥漈he GPP senator for Valladolid, [url=https://www.jordann.at] nike jordan 1 Arenales Serrano, nike high dunk conveys her 鈥渋ndignation鈥?to the first vice president of the Government at the consequences that Spanish companies paralyze their investment in our country. In her opinion, 鈥渋t seems unbelievable that they do not know how business investment works鈥?and the 鈥渄isastrous consequences鈥?of the lack of investment by our companies in Spain. Serrano addresses the vice president of the Government to affirm that this situation has been reached 鈥渄ue to his voracity of tax collection鈥?which has increased between 40 and 50 taxes. Therefore, the senator from Valladolid affirmedma that we are facing an 鈥渁ntisocial and communist鈥?Executive, yeezy sneaker that, by changing its opinion so much, generates 鈥渓egal uncertainty,鈥?and, therefore, 鈥渋nvestment flies away.鈥?In this sense, he remembers that investment has a direct relationship with employment and its absence produces 鈥渄isastrous鈥?consequences, such as a reduction in revenue. 鈥淚f you want to raise more, less money,鈥?he advises the minister and adds that 鈥渨ithout business investment there is no wealth to distribute, nor are there jobs to eat from.鈥?In his opinion, this 鈥渁ntisocial鈥?Government has suffocated companies so much that corporate tax has fallen by 11.7%, as reflected in a report from the Executive. Next, he regrets that due to the fateful management of the coalition government between the PSOE and the communists of Sumar, Spain already has 26% of poverty and 1.4 million university graduates are today at 鈥渞isk of social exclusion.鈥?. For this reason, he reiterates his indignation at the ounjustified and 鈥渇alsified鈥?optimism of Pedro S谩nchez. Before concluding, Arenales Serrano stressed to Nadia Calvi帽o that 鈥渉er ambition...


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Hgzt The new Barrax medical office will be built on the grounds of the former
The Government of Castilla-La Mancha has reiterated the need to claim from the Government of Spain the 鈥渉istorical debt鈥?that it has accumulated since 2012 in the financing of the System of Autonomy and Dependency Care in the region, adidas sambarose that 鈥渋s a social and economic investment鈥?and an 鈥渆ngine of recovery.鈥?This was expressed by the Minister of Social Welfare, adidas samba damen Aurelia S谩nchez, stanley shop in her intervention in the debate on the non-law proposal promoted by the Socialist Parliamentary Group in a session that was attended by the guest box of representatives of the CERMI-CLM, new balance donna of the nursing home associations ARTECAM and ACESCAM, new balance nere of the National Dependency Observatory and the Dependency Platform of Castilla-La Mancha. Aurelia S谩nchez has asked the deputies for 鈥渁n explicit agreement of all the political groups of these Cortes鈥?as a 鈥渇irm commitment to dependent people, families and professionals, with the total involvement of all Administrations and, in an essential way, the autonomous communities and the General Administration of the State鈥? with the objective of 鈥渨orking by and for the people ", work for the social well-being of Castilla-La Mancha." Ten years of the Dependency Law The counselor has taken a tour of the history of the application of the Dependency Law in Castilla-La Mancha, which this month marks ten years since its entry into force. 鈥淣o one should have any doubt that the dependency system has been a very good idea, perhaps subject to excessive fluctuations and uncertainties, but despite this it has reached a considerable size in a relatively short period, still very far from central and central countries. northern Europe,鈥?said the counselor. The counselor has highlighted that the Dependency System is 鈥渁 strategic challenge for the foreseeable future and formspart of an economic sector with high job creation and fiscal returns.鈥?As an example, he recalled that according to the Observatory It is...


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laid The theater series for babies is back Breaking the Shell
« Ответ #14 : 26.43.2024 06:43:00 am »

Yxmf A special EMT service will connect the stations of Colombia and Pr&
Naves Matadero will host part of the filming of the film 'Robota MML' by the multidisciplinary artist Itziar Barrio on April 12, low dunks nike April 13 and 14. In this cinematographic piece, yeezy 500 the versatile director of audiovisual and multimedia arts, yeezys 700 makes a remix of several films and cultural references. People interested in attending can do so at 8:30 p.m. on April 12, yeezy boost April 13 and 14. Admission to the filming has a price of 10 euros. 'Robota MML' takes place in a factory where robots are built with the aim of freeing humans from work. In this cinematographic work, air forces Itziar Barrio, is sensitized to class consciousness and biopower and has as its main reference the first science fiction play 'Rossum's UniversalRobots' (Karel Capek, 1920), where the concept of a robot was introduced for the first time. Another artistic reference of the author is the work 'The Bag of the Medusa' (1819), a pictorial work by Th茅odore G茅ricault that inspired Luis Bu帽uel at the time of writing 'The Exterminating Angel'. 鈥淎ll these references are found in contemporary gestures such as bodybuilding or the use of burning objects in recent music videos,鈥?says Itziar Barrio. 'Robota MML' addresses in an interrelated way issues of robotics, mechanisms of labor production and the deconstruction of the cinematographic apparatus. Through bodies, technology and smoke, a story will be built, articulated through the process of execution, collaboration and meeting with the agents involved,鈥?summarizes the artist. The peopleThose interested in attending the filming will be able to see Itziar Barrio working with his various collaborators, among them...