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Features of red brick
Red brick has a set of advantages that drive many individuals and companies to adopt it in construction, and these features are as follows:

Preserve heat: Red bricks conserve homes' energy during the winter, and keep them cool during the summer. It absorbs heat from the sun's rays during the day, and transfers it at night.
Hardness and Cohesion: These two characteristics give red brick the ability to withstand adverse weather conditions, including fires and high winds.

Not harmful to the environment: The use of red bricks does not leave large amounts of environmental pollutants, and these small amounts are biodegradable.
Sound insulation: Red brick is a material that isolates external sounds well.

Ease of manufacturing: The basic materials for manufacturing and processing red bricks are available, which facilitates the production process, and a low financial cost that facilitates the repair process. In addition, red bricks are recyclable.

Disadvantages of red brick
There are some disadvantages that sometimes stand in the way of choosing red brick in the construction of homes and facilities, despite all its advantages and characteristics, and among these disadvantages are the following:

Red bricks take more time to build; This is because it is larger than the other species.
Red brick absorbs water quickly.
Mold can grow on the rough edges of bricks, especially if you don't clean them regularly.

The constant search for red bricks can cause the fertile soil to be depleted, its area significantly degraded, which will negatively affect agriculture.
The costs of using red bricks in construction increase with the decrease in the cost of its production and restoration, due to the increase in its size, which requires platforms and cranes capable of bearing its weight.

Detection of the quality of red bricks
The quality of bricks can be known in several ways, including that a person tries to drop a piece of it, and if it shatters into small fragments, this is an indication of its poor quality, but if it shatters into pieces, Which is easy to reassemble, and its quality can be certified because it is of good quality. Pour the bricks into durable and regular moulds, and that the clay used in them is not coarse, and that its texture is of thick dirt and sand and compacted well, as it does not allow air bubbles inside.

In addition to being manufactured at a temperature ranging from 900 to 1000 degrees Celsius, it will allow the silica, which gives the brick its hardness, to mix well with the rest of the ingredients. Regarding the choice of the size of the bricks used, some prefer to adopt larger bricks to reduce the time and effort spent on construction.

واجهات حجر هاشمي
حجر مايكا
واجهات منازل مصرية شعبية

Steps to take
opening windows and doors; To allow clean air in.
Close the main gas switch.
Get out of the house, or the place where the gas was leaking.
Contact the emergency room or the competent authority to deal with this situation.
Follow the instructions provided by the specialists over the phone, and stay out until help arrives.
Go immediately to the doctor or hospital if the person feels tired, and tell them that he may have been exposed to gas inhalation or carbon monoxide poisoning.

Actions to avoid
The following things should be avoided when there is a gas leak: 

Find the source of the leak.
Use the phone where the gas is leaking.
Attempt to repair the fault, or stop the leak.
Turning off or opening lights or any electrical appliances.
Keep doors and windows closed.
Leave the case without calling 911.

Signs of a gas leak
Gas is used for heating, water heating, cooking, and other things in homes, and because natural gas has no smell, bottling companies add harmless chemical compounds; To warn people when there is a gas leak, and to help identify the problem of gas leakage, even if it is small, the following points can be checked:

Smell sulfur, or something like rotten eggs.
Seeing damage to the gas pipes.
Hearing a rustling or whistling sound near a gas pipe.
Seeing a hazy substance, or bubbles, above the standing water.
Plant death or wilting for no apparent reason.

Symptoms of gas inhalation
Gas leakage changes the percentage of oxygen in the place; Therefore, a person breathes less oxygen, and some signs appear on him, such as: 

feel helpless.
Eye and throat irritation.
Difficulty breathing.
Paleness of the skin, which appears only upon direct contact with the liquid gas.
Loss of consciousness, and even death in the event of exposure to high levels of the gas.

شركه كشف تسربات الغاز بالرياض
شركة تمديد الغاز المركزي بالرياض
شركة فحص المنازل قبل الشراء

Water leak
The problem of water leakage is one of the problems that greatly affect individuals. This is due to the damage it causes to buildings and homes, so it is necessary to strive diligently to detect whether there is a water leak or not. Water leakage is defined as a defect that occurs in the water connections in various forms, whether it is in the drainage pipes or their elbows or the various parts of the water pipes, including: faucets, tanks, and heaters, and this defect causes the water to exit from the path specified for it to the vicinity of the pipes, so the water collects near Places surrounding the leak, such as floors and walls, will be damaged as a result of their interaction with building materials, corrosion of iron and erosion of concrete, thus exacerbating problems if neglected.

Types of waterproofing
Apparent leaks: This is a defect that affects the protruding or existing connections in the outer part of the walls and floors and can be seen with the naked eye, such as faucets, external connections, heaters, or upper tanks. This type is characterized by ease of repair and discovery.
Hidden leaks: This type of leakage affects the internal connections of water, which are often inside the walls and floors, and notices the great difference between them and the apparent leaks due to the difficulty of detecting them, as this can only be done by relying on the results that can be observed in the place surrounding the leak in the form of distortions and cracks. Spots of discolored colour.

Methods for detecting water leaks
There are many ways to detect water leaks, what is manual, and in order to be sure of that, we close all sources that supply the house with water from valves and faucets, while giving all members of the building not to use water completely during the period of time in which the sources are closed in a step to determine and monitor the meter reading, and it is preferable that it continue The situation is like this for a period of up to five hours, and after the period has passed, the meter is read again. If the first and second readings match, the house is free of leaks. Quickly so as not to exacerbate the problem.

Ways to prevent water leaks
It is usually recommended to obtain home insulation services, and this step is considered a method of protection for the home from all damages that may be caused to it by water and heat, so it is necessary to isolate the roofs with water and thermal insulation against moisture, in addition to isolating bathrooms and walls, in addition to swimming pools to reduce leaks.

شركة عزل شينكو بالرياض
شركة مقاولات بالرياض
شركة ترميم فلل بالرياض

Corporate valuation
It is a financial and accounting method used to determine the financial position of the company in the local market, and corporate valuation is also known as the method used by financial analysts and management accountants to know the total financial value of the company, and is related to determining the value of assets, liabilities, and any other financial restrictions imposed on the company.

The evaluation of companies aims to determine their financial position, and to know the extent of their ability to continue in the economic market within their field of work, and also contributes to reaching results that provide an appropriate description of the general condition of the company.

Reasons for evaluating companies
Contribute to determining the net value of corporate equity.
It determines the value of the obligations, expenses, and debts resulting from the companies' work.

It helps determine the value of the company's shares before offering them in the financial market for trading.
It is considered a supportive method for the process of merging companies.
It provides real values ​​​​for the shares of partners in joint stock companies, especially if one of the partners wants to sell his share in the company.
It assists in the process of liquidating companies with the aim of selling them, or closing them completely.

Steps for evaluating companies
Preparing a list that includes all the company's external and internal contents, taking care to add all information related to the company, whatever its nature.

Using one of the methods of evaluating companies to start developing the stages that will be relied upon in evaluating the company.
Knowledge of the company's financial position, the value of its capital, and shareholders' shares in the capital or work.

Studying the legal status of the company through the assistance of an expert in the law, to ensure that legal texts are applied to the nature of the company's work.
Terminating all financial transactions that have been suspended or that have not yet been completed, especially in the event that the company is evaluated for sale.

Provide external shareholders, clients, and clients with a brief report on the company's status if necessary, especially if they have financial rights in the company's debt.
Writing and drafting the company's evaluation report in accordance with the legal and financial rules designated for this type of report, and then handing it over to the official management in the company, or to the new owners.

Methods of valuation of companies
Net book value valuation: It is the method that relies on evaluating companies based on their net asset value, after collecting all kinds of liabilities, whether they are debts or unpaid financial obligations.

Valuation by modified book value: It is the method that recalculates the values ​​of assets and liabilities in companies, and compares the actual and book values ​​with linking them to a set of economic influences, such as: the rate of inflation, net shareholders' equity, and then works to adjust the book values ​​​​to the values ​​real, or actual reached.

Evaluation by replacement value: It is the method that links the capital of the company when it was established with its capital at the present time, and it depends on the evaluation of the company by relying on linking its state when it was established with its current capital. That is, it replaces the current situation of the company with its previous one, so this method is considered one of the evaluation methods that many analysts and financial accountants criticize.

تأسيس الشركات في دبي
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Валютный рынок FOREX / Symptoms of a stroke
« : 30.57.2023 02:57:11 am »
Weakness in the facial muscles
The symptoms of a stroke depend on the part of the brain affected by the stroke and the amount of brain tissue affected, and a stroke may be a hemorrhagic stroke, or it may be an ischemic stroke. ), and it may be a transient ischemic attack (in English: Transient Ischemic Attacks), and the symptoms of a stroke are usually sudden and not accompanied by a feeling of pain, and among the symptoms of a stroke is a feeling of weakness in the facial muscles, which leads to the feeling of the person with a drooping face to The side, and this appears clearly when the injured person is asked to laugh, and the injured person appears to have a drooping mouth and eyelid and a lack of straightening of the eyelid.

difficulty speaking
The stroke sufferer suffers from difficulty speaking, as the patient may not be able to speak, and the words may come out incomprehensible, as when the patient is asked to repeat a simple sentence, the speech appears strange and vague

Weakness on one side of the body
The stroke sufferer feels the presence of weakness on one side of the body where when the injured person is asked to raise both hands, one of them remains below.

vision problems
The presence of vision problems such as: blurred vision, double vision, loss of vision, and partial loss of vision, and these problems may be symptoms of a stroke, and the cause may be a stroke in the eye.

Other symptoms
There are many other symptoms and signs that may indicate a stroke, including the following:
Numbness, what looks like acupuncture, and loss of sensation in any part of the body.
Feeling dizzy and severe pain in the head that is not similar to pain that had previously occurred.
Muscle stiffness and involuntary eye movements.

Confusion and memory loss.
Symptoms and signs that women feel in particular, we mention the following:
breathing difficulties.
convulsive seizures
Sudden change in behaviour.
Frenzy and hallucinations.
Vomiting and nausea.

هيرمبرو اقراص-10-مجم
كونستيبرايد اقراص المعدة
فلوموكس اقراص

Judo sport
Judo is considered a traditional Japanese wrestling that developed in the eighties of the nineteenth century AD, and Dr. Jigoro Kano laid down the philosophical rules and principles for it, and added to it the methods of physical, moral, and intellectual education, and canceled all dangerous movements in this game. He opened his first school for the sport of judo in 1882 AD, and the word judo in the Japanese language means the soft way or method.

History of judo
The history of the sport of judo began with the emergence of the Japanese sport of jujutsu (jujutsu), and the sport of jujutsu developed thanks to the samurai fighters, and it was very popular in the past. AD Many changes occurred in the customs, values, and traditional Japanese culture, which led to the loss of the samurai class.

Capitalism also spread in the country, the industrialization movement developed, and during that period individual activities also declined significantly; As martial arts and jujutsu because of the interest in the affairs of the state, as many schools of jujutsu and some of the methods of martial arts, which played an important role in the emergence of judo, disappeared.

Judo techniques
Japanese judo was combat methods that did not use weapons, but now it is considered primarily one of the types of sports, and this sport is characterized by complex mathematical rules, the main objective of which is to control the opponent without causing him harm, by pressing on the joints of the neck or arm with the aim of weakening The opponent and full control over him, and the uniform used in this sport is white cloth pants and a loose jacket, and Jigoro has preserved the classic techniques of jujutsu in the sport of judo, and judo associations have been established in the countries affiliated with the International Judo Federation, which is based in Budapest, the capital of Hungary.

Judo competitions for men were held for the first time in 1964 AD at the Olympic Games in Tokyo, then these competitions became held regularly since 1972 AD, and in 1980 AD the World Judo Championships for women began, and Olympic Games competitions for women were held in 1992 AD, and the strongest Japanese teams participate, And French, Korean, British, and German in the Olympics permanently, in addition to that, Jigoro Judo was built on the basis of a collaborative and safe method of physical education, as the practitioners of this sport spend a long time learning how to fall safely on the ground, in addition to helping the dominant person in The sport allows his opponent to fall safely to the ground

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Валютный рынок FOREX / Furniture selection
« : 28.47.2023 07:47:04 am »
Furniture selection
Choosing furniture is anexciting time. You have the chance to completely redefine your home with hundreds of styles, colors, layouts, and materials.
However, with so many options, choosing the right ones can be challenging. So how do you make the right choice? Check out these tips to get started.

Stick to the budget
When you start looking for new furniture, the first thing you should do is determine your budget. How much can you spend on your furniture? What is your ideal amount to spend and what is your absolute limit? Understanding how much you can afford to spend and sticking to a budget will help you make the right decision about your furniture. By setting your budget before shopping, you can go to the store and focus on the design of the furniture, the quality of the materials, the layout of the products, and not spend all your mental energy calculating whether you can afford this bed or that sofa. .

Select a design theme before you shop
What is the design theme for your home? Are you going for a classic style or do you prefer something modern and sophisticated? Do you want a lot of decorative designs or do you enjoy plain and simple patterns? You must have a clear understanding of the design theme in your home before shopping for furniture. Think about the colors and tones you want in your home, and consider how the different styles will look next to your existing furniture.

Also, how does the existing layout of the house match your furniture? Is there a pattern or design that contrasts with a particular sofa or bedding? If you have these questions in mind before you shop, you will have a better chance of finding the perfect furniture for your home.

Look for high-quality, non-rusting fabrics
You should always make sure that you choose furniture that is made of high quality fabrics. Luxurious materials will be more comfortable and will last much longer than cheap fabrics, so choosing a piece of furniture with quality materials is often a wise investment. If you have children, you already understand the importance of stain-resistant fabrics, but they are also useful if you plan to host parties or eat and drink on your furniture.

Think of the number of people
The number of people in your home should play an important factor in choosing your furniture. If you live alone, you probably don't need a huge living room set. Maybe a smaller section and a chair or two. If you have a large family in your home, a full-size divider and a few chairs would probably be the right choice. This will also be important when choosing a kitchen table and chairs, as well as furniture for almost every room in your home.

نقل وتخزين عفش بالرياض
شركة خدمات نقل العفش بالرياض
نقل وتخزين عفش بالرياض

Bed bug damage
Although bed bug bites are not harmful, they do have some health effects:
Feeling restless and anxious when sleeping for fear of being bitten by bugs.
The appearance of a rash and itching.

Scars or hyperpigmentation of the skin, especially in people with darker skin.
Shortness of breath and repeated bouts of sneezing accompanied by tears.
Transmission of some viral diseases.

Bed bug bite treatment
Infection with a bedbug bite is not a serious matter, as mentioned previously, and its treatment does not require much of the matter; As the pain only needs to take care of the sting in order to eliminate the injury, and wait until it heals naturally without the need to use something that speeds up the treatment process, but one of the medical ointments and treatments that do not need a prescription can be used to relieve itching only, but it does not require a prescription in the event that it occurs. Scratches in the skin resulting from repeated itching, and here are the most popular treatments that can be used:

A topical antibiotic or antiseptic lotion to treat a bacterial infection.
Oral antibiotics.
Topical anti-itching and anti-inflammatory medications.
Bronchodilator drugs.
Medicines to boost the immune system.

Signs of bed bugs appearing
The presence of bedbugs in the place can be inferred by the following signs:
Black or brown droppings left behind by bed bugs.
White eggs gather in the cracks in the walls, or between the folds of carpets and furniture.
Skin ulcers in people.

How to get rid of bed bugs
Search for bug hiding places as quickly as possible as soon as one appears to avoid breeding.
Putting furniture that contains bedbugs outside the house in a hot weather for a period of 4 days, and getting rid of them if live bugs continue to appear in them.

Place linens or clothes that contain bedbugs in a sealed plastic bag inside the refrigerator freezer for a period of 4 days, and get rid of them if live bedbugs continue to appear in them.
Washing the damaged clothes at the highest possible temperature for 30 minutes, then placing them in the clothes dryer for an additional 30 minutes; Bed bugs are exterminated with extreme heat (above 46°C) or very cold (below 0°C).
Using insecticides designed to kill bedbugs, such as: pyrethrins, pyrethroids, and neonicotinoids.​

طرق التخلص من الحشرات
التخلص من الحشرات الصغيرة الطائرة
كيفية التخلص من الحشرات الزاحفة في المنزل

Валютный рынок FOREX / Parquet polishing method
« : 27.48.2023 17:48:34 pm »
Parquet polishing method
It is worth noting the need to clean parquet floors on a regular weekly basis, and then polish them with materials designated for this approximately every two to four months; To preserve and protect it from scratches and damage

Also, be careful when using water while cleaning; As it causes damage to the parquet that is not covered with an insulating layer, it is possible to know whether the parquet is coated or not by trying to put a small drop of water on the floor and wait for a few hours. Water should be used while cleaning it

The floors are polished after they are cleaned, by following the following steps: Purchasing the appropriate type of polisher for floors; Water-based polish can be used to polish polyurethane floors.

For other floors, choose wax-based polish for polishing, and it is advised to choose products that are free of VOCs. Follow the instructions for use and safety instructions that come with the product.

Test the material on a small hidden area before polishing the entire floor; Where the material can be placed on the specified area, and wiped with a soft cloth, and if the color of the floor changes, this indicates that the product is not suitable for this type of flooring.

Spray an appropriate amount of the solution on the cloth, or spray it directly on the floor and wipe it with the cloth according to the instructions written on the product package, and it is preferable to wipe the floor in a semi-circular and wavy motion to avoid the appearance of lines on it.

Start wiping from inside the room to the outside to prevent soiling the scanned area again; Where it is possible to start from one corner of the inner room and move gradually and transversely to the next corner, and drag the mop along the room towards the third corner, followed by the last corner

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Валютный рынок FOREX / Website design standards
« : 26.16.2023 07:16:06 am »
Websites are one of the most important services offered by the World Wide Web, which is defined as a group of web pages that contain a set of files, topics, and images, interconnected and stored on a web server, where companies specialized in the field of websites buy this electronic space.

And you spend money on them to harness them to serve their interests, and websites may vary between governmental, commercial, personal, charitable, service, entertainment, search engines, and social networking sites, as many individuals use them to achieve some interests such as material gains, for example, it is important to have a good website design that attracts Lots of internet surfers

Website design standards
Determine the site's audience, such as certain age groups, a specific gender (male, female), or people who specialize in a particular field.
Provide feedback in order to encourage the public to express their opinions on the various issues raised by the site.
Define site goals, they must be measurable and clear.
Determine the content of the site.

Choose divergent colors for both the text and the background, and avoid using backgrounds with a grid pattern, so that the design ground does not prevent reading the content of the site, and avoid constantly changing colors, as well as choosing a safe color palette for the use of site visitors.

Work on coordinating the size and shape of the letters in the text, and avoid using italics that are difficult to read, as well as not placing lines under the words, as this may lead to confusion between them and their links, in addition to this, the use of useless long texts should be avoided.

Use fixed, simple and appropriate shapes and designs.
The clarity of the photos shown on the website.
It is easy to navigate the site and access information by placing browsing links in a clear and easily accessible place.

Mark the title of the page, by placing it in a place visible to the user, and when the user navigates from one page to another, the color of the page link must be changed, so that the user can know which page he is on.

Ensure that the pages of the site are designed in a homogeneous manner so that the user can distinguish the pages of this site from the pages of other sites.
Taking into account the speed and ease of downloading the site.
The need to arrange the information on the pages of the site according to its importance to the audience.

متخصص سيو
خدمات Seo
أفضل خبير سيو

pencil case
Students in schools and universities use a lot of pens, such as pencils and drawing pens, in addition to other tools that the student needs such as erasers, rulers, sharpeners, etc., so it is necessary to have a pencil case to keep all these tools in one place, and thus access them easily. You can buy a ready-made pencil case from shops, but there are many different and simple ways to make it at home, at a small cost, and in this article we mention some of these methods.

How to make a cylindrical pencil case
The pencil case can be made using the cylindrical cardboard tube inside the kitchen tissue paper, by following the following steps:

Bring an empty cardboard tube, and work on cutting it straight from top to bottom with scissors, in order to obtain a flat and flat sheet.
Choose a zipper of a suitable color for the fabric from which the pencil case will be made, provided that the length of the zipper is suitable for the length of the tube.

Cover the left edge of the cardboard tube with hot glue, then stick the left end of the zipper on the glue, and then repeat the process on the right side of the tube and stick the right end of the zipper on it, taking into account that the teeth of the zipper are between the cut edges, so that the tube can be opened and closed by the zipper .

Putting the cloth on the table, then placing the tube vertically on it, working on drawing the borders of the tube on the canvas with a pencil, and repeating the process for the other end of the tube.
Cut out the pencil-drawn circles, leaving an extra 1.3 cm of space around the circle. This is in order to add internal footnotes.

Work on cutting the edge of the cloth in the form of longitudinal slits with a depth of 1.3 cm on the edges of the circles, and that the distance between the incision and the other is 1.3 cm as well, and care must be taken here that the edges of the circle drawn with bullets are not cut, so as not to result in the presence of holes in the pencil case.

Covering the upper edge of the tube with hot glue, and then sticking the inner part of the first circle, making sure to align it with the pencil marks, after that the upper edge of the tube is covered with more glue, then pressing the cracks in the edge to stick it on the tube, it is repeated This move with the other end of the tube.

Measure the length and circumference of the tube, and cut a rectangle of fabric to fit the tube, adding an inch to the measurement for the hems.
Putting hot glue on the inner edges of the cloth, and then folding these edges and sticking them with glue by 1.3 cm.
Putting hot glue on one of the folded edges, sticking it to one of the sides of the zipper, and then working to wrap the fabric around the tube, and when you reach the other side of the zipper, cover the other folded edge of the fabric with more glue, and stick it to the other side of the zipper, and work must be done Align the side edges of the canvas with the top and bottom edges of the tube.

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اقلام حبر سائل

Валютный рынок FOREX / Construction tools
« : 13.15.2023 22:15:47 pm »
Construction tools
The construction process has an important role in the urbanization and renaissance of cities, and the development of industrial life in them, and it needs specific tools to carry out this task. Construction tools are the tools and equipment that are used to build bridges and various structures; Such as homes, hotels, educational places, animal pens, wheat silos, factories, and others.

The importance of construction tools
Choosing the right construction tools in terms of size and type has an important and effective role; It contributes to affecting the productivity of the project, the effort expended and the time required, and it is also necessary to enable the controller to exercise his powers, and to know the powers of the contractor at each stage and the extent of its impact on the project, and whether the contractor’s work conforms to the required specifications, in addition to its role in helping the controller to understand the problem and how solve it. Construction tools are very important to a project manager or construction planner; The manager must be familiar with the tools used in construction.

Manual construction tools
are build tools that are used manually (rather than mechanically), most notably:
Axe: A tool used for digging foundations and mixing and stirring raw materials.

The creek: It is a tool consisting of a long wooden stick attached at the bottom to a wide and flat piece of iron. It is used in mixing concrete materials, lifting dust and transporting materials during the excavation process.

Mouse: It is an axe-like tool consisting of a long metal or wooden stick attached at the bottom to a piece of iron.
Al-Banawi (hammer): A tool consisting of a pointed metal head attached to a short iron hand that ends with a wooden handle. It is used in the process of breaking bricks and wrapping the shape of stone.

Ruler (Spoon): It is a flat and small piece of iron attached to a small iron handle that ends with a wooden handle. Rulers are used to spread the concrete mixture between the bricks during construction, to plaster and smooth the walls, and to apply the white putty on the walls before applying the paint, as is the case with breaking the bricks. There are two types of rulers:
Round or oval trowels: These are the trowels that are used in paving mortar materials (concrete).

Square rulers: These are the rulers that are used for cleaning.
Embryo (chisel): It is a solid rod that is flattened on one side and sharp on the other, and is used to make holes in the walls to install scaffolding by hitting it with a chisel.
Garavan: It is a steel container used to transport mortar to the construction site.

Bucket: A bucket made of iron or copper used to raise water and transport it from one place to another.
The cart: It is a deep vessel mounted on a solid structure connected by two long handles with one wheel. The cart is used to transport special materials in construction from one place to another, such as transporting bricks, sand, gravel, and others. .
Roller Brush: It is a rotating brush attached to a light and long iron handle that ends with a wooden handle. It is used for painting ceilings and walls.

Angle: It is a metal tool in the form of an angle used to adjust the angles of the intersection of walls. It comes in several forms according to the type and size of the required angle, some of which are sharp, some are straight, and some are obtuse.
Tension adjusting thread: It is a long thread used to adjust the straightness of the walls.

Measuring tape: used to measure long distances not available in a regular ruler. The most notable forms of tape measure are: the metric tape in the box; Where the tape measure is inside a 5-meter plastic box, the longitudinal tape can be used by one person, and the tape measure for long distances; It is a tape measure made of steel or base materials, and its use requires the presence of two people.
Sieve: A filter-like device, usually made of iron or aluminum, used to sift building materials before mixing them.

Level: A rectangular device made of aluminium, plastic, wood or iron. Its function is to adjust the straightness of the horizontal and vertical walls.
Drill: It is a small electric motor on which a metal feather (of different sizes) is placed. The drill takes a hexagon-like shape, and is used for drilling and perforating walls, installing electrical boxes and laying wires, among other things

حجر هاشمي تمانين-٨٠
فني تركيب واجهات هاشمي هيصم
واجهات حجر مايكا بأحدث التصميمات العصرية من المؤسسة ستون

Determining the space of rooms and furniture
The space of the furniture must be determined before starting to arrange it and change its location; In order to facilitate the arrangement process and to avoid moving it several times from one place to another

the total area of the room must be drawn on a piece of paper and then the furniture should be dropped on it in theory, and many interior design programs can be used; To accomplish this task in an easy and fast way

it is not logical to put a very large bed in a small bedroom so that the room does not become narrow in space, or to place a small table near a large sofa, but rather a large table must be chosen for this type of sofa, so The sizes must be taken into account in proportion to each other when arranging home furniture

Arrange the focal points of the room
Determining a piece of furniture as the center of the room and its main point, and accordingly the remaining furniture is arranged around it, after taking its dimensions, for example the TV is the central piece in the living room, the bed in the bedroom and the dining table in the dining room

Seating arrangement
The locations that contain sofas, sofas, chairs and tables must be identified and arranged as follows:

Arrange the seats in a way far from the entrance to the room; to facilitate access.
Place the boards containing the corners in the extension of the corners of the large room.

It is preferable to choose a center table of a suitable size for the size of the place and the seats; This adds elegance to the room, and it can be used to put some accessories or use it to place hospitality while making sure that the table is close enough to the seats for ease of use by others, as the space between the seats and the table should be 45.72 centimeters.

Two small tables can be placed as a suitable alternative in the event that a large center table is not available in proportion to the space of the room, and it must be arranged in a way that ensures easy access to people by not moving them, and the height of the side tables must be equal to or slightly less than the height of the arms of the seats surrounding.

Arranging furniture that needs multiple pieces next to each other, which is furniture that can only be used with other furniture at the same time. Examples of this include placing a sofa in front of the stove, and placing chairs around the table.

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Water leak
The problem of water leakage is one of the problems that bothers people greatly. This is due to the damage it causes to buildings and homes, so it is necessary to be careful to detect whether or not water leakage is occurring. Water leakage is defined as a defect in the water connections in its various forms, whether it is in the drainage pipes, elbows, or different parts of the water pipes, including: faucets, tanks, and heaters. The places around the leak, such as floors and walls, cause damage as a result of its interaction with building materials, corrosion of iron and corrosion of concrete, thus exacerbating problems if treatment is neglected.

Types of waterproofing
Visible Leaks: A defect that affects protruding or existing joints on the outside of walls and floors and is visible to the naked eye such as faucets, external joints, heaters, or upper cabinets. This type is characterized by ease of repair and discovery.
Hidden leaks: This type of leakage affects the internal water connections, which are often inside the walls and floors, and notices the great difference between them and the apparent leaks due to the difficulty of detecting them, as this can only be done by relying on the results that can be observed in the place surrounding the leak in the form of distortions Cracks and discolored spots.

Water leak detection methods
There are many ways to detect water leaks, including manual ones, and to make sure of that, we close all sources that supply the house with water from valves and faucets, while giving all members of the building not to use water at all during the time period in which the sources are closed in a step to determine and monitor the meter reading, preferably Continuation. This is the case for up to five hours, and after the period has passed, the meter reads again. Matter quickly so as not to exacerbate the problem.

Methods of preventing water leakage
It is usually recommended to obtain insulation services for the house, and this step is considered a way to protect the house from all damage that may be caused to it by water and heat, so it is necessary to isolate surfaces with water and thermal insulation against moisture, in addition to isolating bathrooms and walls, in addition to swimming pools to reduce floating leaks

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Technological development
As a result of the massive industrial and technological revolution that invaded the world recently, a large group of what is known as electronic devices appeared on which man developed and is still developing in order to meet his many and different needs with ease and ease and with the least time and effort, and it has contributed to the development of many fields, the most prominent of which is communication And the communication that made the world more attractive and connected, as if they were in a small spot, all together.

Electronics is known as a science that deals with electronic devices and how they work, and the basic principle on which it depends is the flow of electric current in those devices.

electronic devices
They are devices that use modern electronic materials and tools in their manufacture, and are characterized by their accuracy and ease of installation and maintenance. In order to be used in the performance of specific and distinctive functions and used to derive accurate and specific results, where the person poured all the information, skills and techniques into the production of those distinctive devices that help the person, and like any technical development, it carries many positive things that helped the prosperity of society and the person and their development together, and it works On the support of the countries that established it in order to be able to compete in the labor market, where its inventors can achieve great achievements that are monitored for them, and on the other hand, it also contains obstacles and negative trends that lead to the destruction and retreat of society if used incorrectly.

Damage to electronic devices
Although these high technologies are very beneficial, there are negative reasons, most notably the following:

Body pain: It causes many pains in the neck and back. as a result of its constant use.
Addiction: A person has become addicted to using these devices and never leaves them. Because it contains many things that allow him to meet his needs in life in an easy, fast and simple way.
Reducing hours of sleep: It reduced the number of hours of sleep due to continuous sitting on it for long periods, and thus caused many psychological problems for the user. as a result of lack of sleep.

Body infections: According to medical reports, these electrical devices cause many diseases to humans. Because they contain large amounts of bacteria and viruses, the most prominent of these diseases are intestinal inflammation, cancer and other diseases.
Hand cramps: due to the continuous use of devices, especially in electronic games or chat programs that take a long time from a person.

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