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Avrupa, dijital ortam? ve finansal yeniliklere ac?kl?g? sayesinde oncu is fikirleri icin bir merkez haline geldi. Geleneksel kurumsal s?n?rlar? genisletmeye ve dunya cap?ndaki musterilerimize yeni baslang?c f?rsatlar? sunmaya kararl?y?z. Amac?m?z, teknolojik yukselisi s?ras?nda Avrupa Birligi’nin s?n?rs?z olanaklar?ndan yararlanarak ve kusursuz is kararlar?n? bir t?k otede kolaylast?rarak uluslararas? ticarete deger katmakt?r.
Tak?m cal?smas?
Regulated United Europe‘da, cal?smalar?m?z?n etkililiginin her ekip uyesinin kolektif cabalar?na bagl? oldugunun bilincindeyiz. Vizyonumuz, musteriler, ortaklar ve meslektaslarla olan etkilesimin yonlendirdigi kars?l?kl? destek ve gunluk isbirligine odaklanmaktad?r. Gercekci hedefler belirlemenin, ekip kararlar?nda kurumsal sorumluluk ustlenmenin ve projeleri tamamlanana kadar gormenin onemini vurgulayarak kurumsal degerleri operasyonlar?m?z?n her yonune entegre ediyoruz.
Bireysel yaklas?m

The Czech Republic offers unique opportunities for manufacturing and export-oriented businesses due to its central position in Europe and strong industrial base. The country has a stable economy, low levels of corruption and maintains a healthy business environment with access to a large and solvent domestic market. The Czech Republic also offers relatively low operating costs and a well-developed infrastructure, making it attractive to various types of businesses.
Conclusion: Estonia, Lithuania, Ireland and the Czech Republic represent the four most attractive countries in Europe for foreigners to start a business. They offer a variety of economic and strategic advantages, including low taxes, a high degree of innovation, access to international markets and a supportive business environment. Choosing the right country depends on the specific goals and needs of your business.

Opening a bank account for a company in Europe can be challenging due to strict anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing requirements. Banks require extensive documentation, including proof of business model and origin of funds. It is also important to consider that many banks require the personal presence of the founder when opening an account.
Step 4: Tax planning
Once a company has been incorporated and a bank account opened, attention should be paid to tax planning. This includes selecting the best tax scheme, possible tax incentives and examining any double tax treaties that may exist between the country of incorporation and other countries where the business is planned to operate.
Step 5: Compliance with legal requirements
The company must comply not only with tax regulations, but also with other legal regulations, including labour, health and safety and industrial safety laws. It is important to regularly consult with local legal counsel to maintain compliance with all requirements.
Conclusion: Opening a company in Europe with a bank account requires careful planning and preparation. Understanding local laws, choosing the right jurisdiction and complying with all regulatory requirements are key elements of success in this process. It is advisable to seek professional assistance from international business and tax experts to ensure a smooth start of your business in Europe.

Regulated United Europe ist standig bestrebt, seine Leistungen und das Niveau der erbrachten Dienstleistungen zu verbessern, basierend auf dem standigen Feedback der Kunden und der Erfassung der Marktbedurfnisse fur juristische Dienstleistungen in verschiedenen europaischen Landern. Die Reaktionszeit auf Kundenanfragen/E-Mails wird ebenfalls auf ein Minimum reduziert.
Im Bereich der Preisgestaltung versucht Regulated United Europe ebenfalls, sich an die Bedurfnisse der Kunden anzupassen, indem es fur die meisten der erbrachten Rechtsdienstleistungen einen Festpreis anbietet, obwohl in den meisten europaischen Landern hauptsachlich Stundenhonorare zur Anwendung kommen.
Wir bieten unseren Kunden Rechtsberatung und tagliche Unterstutzung in jeder Phase der Projektumsetzung. Komplexe Losungen werden von einem Team erfahrener Juristen individuell fur jeden Kunden entwickelt.

SIF – Specialised Investment Fund A specialised investment fund based in Luxembourg is in principle exempt from income tax. The subscription tax is 0.01% per annum. The basis for calculating the subscription tax is the total net asset value of the specialised fund. The company is liable to a one-off capital tax of €1,250 payable on incorporation. SICAR – company with risk capital investments (Authorised capital of at least EUR 1mn) Annual capital turnover tax of EUR 1,250. Corporate tax 29.63%. There are no restrictions under double tax treaties. Profit distributions are not subject to source tax. Income from securities is exempt from tax. Proceeds from the liquidation of a company are not taxed (for non-resident participants)
Luxembourg does not tax profits generated by offshore bank accounts. An offshore Luxembourg bank account is a guaranteed means of capital protection. All information in offshore bank accounts in Luxembourg is considered confidential and may not be disclosed without the express authorisation of the bank account holder.
Luxembourg offers unique business opportunities due to its stable economy, favourable tax system, strategic location, quality financial services and high standard of living. These factors make it an attractive location for international investors and entrepreneurs seeking to expand their operations or enter the European market.
However, business success in Luxembourg requires careful planning and understanding of the local environment. This includes choosing the best legal form for the company, strategic planning, complying with regulatory requirements and proactively engaging with local partners and regulators.
Overall, Luxembourg offers a favourable environment for business development, backed by a highly skilled workforce, an innovative economy and a stable legal system.

Noi di Regulated United Europe riconosciamo che l’efficacia del nostro lavoro dipende dagli sforzi collettivi di ciascun membro del team. La nostra visione e incentrata sul supporto reciproco e sulla collaborazione quotidiana, guidata dal coinvolgimento con clienti, partner e colleghi. Integriamo i valori aziendali in ogni aspetto delle nostre operazioni, sottolineando l’importanza di fissare obiettivi realistici, assumerci la responsabilita aziendale per le decisioni del team e portare i progetti fino al completamento.
Approccio individuale
Siamo orgogliosi di servire clienti con origini etniche diverse e consideriamo la nostra missione quella di favorire la loro integrazione in prima linea nel business europeo. Adattarsi rapidamente alle fluttuazioni del settore e affrontare le varie sfide sono parte integrante del nostro approccio. Inoltre, sosteniamo una rigorosa etica professionale, ritenendola essenziale per una proficua collaborazione. I nostri servizi sono personalizzati per soddisfare le esigenze specifiche dei clienti internazionali e possono essere ulteriormente personalizzati su richiesta individuale.
In un panorama globale in continua evoluzione, l’Regulated United Europe rimane agile e reattiva. Diamo priorita all’efficienza per onorare il tempo dei nostri clienti, fornendo tempestivamente servizi aziendali, contabili e legali. In un contesto di volatilita, l’agilita di un’azienda ne definisce il successo e noi ci impegniamo a fornire un servizio di qualita nel piu breve tempo possibile. Pertanto, ci impegniamo a rispondere a tutte le richieste dei clienti entro poche ore.

Avvocati fintech e consulenti finanziari di RUE (Regulated United Europe) hanno creato un blog in cui pubblicano gli ultimi cambiamenti nella legislazione dei paesi europei nel campo delle criptovalute e VASP (Virtual Asset Fornitore di servizi) per la comodita e l’informazione di tutti coloro che sono interessati alla legislazione europea sulle criptovalute. Basiamo i nostri articoli su argomenti importanti per gli imprenditori di oggi che lavorano nel campo della criptovaluta, dei progetti fintech, della blockchain e delle attivita legate all’IT. Se non riesci a trovare le informazioni che ti interessano nel nostro blog, contattaci nel modo per te piu conveniente.

Regulated United Europe offers complex services for bank account opening in Europe both for personal and corporate use. Also, we will be glad to offer assistance in merchant account opening. Our skilled team will prepare a detailed offer based on your needs and/or project. These days the financial borders are opening more each day, this allows one to open a bank account anywhere in the world absolutely online. It is very important that at the starting point the client understands the procedure for opening a bank account, and prepares the needed documents, how it is required by the bank or an online payment service provider. From our side, we can guarantee that we will make the procedure for the bank account opening comfortable and stress-free.

The number of companies set up in EU countries has increased markedly over the past few years.
It is directly related to the desire to work and do business in an economically stable and prestigious jurisdiction with access to the international market, with the opportunity to minimise taxes and obtain a long-term residence permit for the whole family through business immigration.
Registering a company in the EU in 2024 will be beneficial for both large companies and private entrepreneurs who want to optimise their business costs.

Regulated United Europe offers complex services for bank account opening in Europe both for personal and corporate use. Also, we will be glad to offer assistance in merchant account opening. Our skilled team will prepare a detailed offer based on your needs and/or project. These days the financial borders are opening more each day, this allows one to open a bank account anywhere in the world absolutely online. It is very important that at the starting point the client understands the procedure for opening a bank account, and prepares the needed documents, how it is required by the bank or an online payment service provider. From our side, we can guarantee that we will make the procedure for the bank account opening comfortable and stress-free.

L’Europa e emersa come un hub per idee imprenditoriali pionieristiche, grazie al suo ambiente digitale e all’apertura all’innovazione finanziaria. Ci impegniamo ad espandere i tradizionali confini aziendali e ad offrire nuove opportunita di startup a clienti in tutto il mondo. Il nostro obiettivo e aggiungere valore al business internazionale sfruttando le infinite possibilita dell’Unione Europea durante la sua ascesa tecnologica e facilitando decisioni aziendali senza soluzione di continuita a portata di clic.
Lavoro di squadra

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