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Автор Тема: Ksokjq Tellado criticizes S谩nchez's complacent attitude while inflation "comes  (Прочитано 2530 раз)


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Bcvw Frinje Madrid has the body of a J
He regrets that although the PP proposed to the PSOE, new balance 990 since 20-D, air force1 a grand coalition government, nike dunken low the socialists opted for 鈥減laying with each other to take photos and charge the reforms of the Rajoy Executive鈥? The spokesperson for the Popular Parliamentary Group, yeezy slide Rafael Hernando, dunk femme has assured that 鈥渨hoever allies themselves with radicals ends the situation that Catalonia is experiencing.鈥?In Hernando's opinion, 鈥渨hen you search, instead of moderation, disruptive outings and you ally yourself with anyone, the radicals take your measure鈥?and lead you to situations like the one that is being experienced in the Parliament of Catalonia. In an interview on the Ser de Almer铆a channel, the popular leader has stated that the state of the Parliament of Catalonia to which the agreement of Together for Yes and the CUP has led "is a tragedy for Catalonia" due to what it means not having approved the Budgetsstill and with the shadow of new elections in Catalonia. A situation that could be repeated in Spain if Podemos arrives at La Moncloa, to avoid it, Rafael Hernando, recalled that 鈥渢he PP proposed a grand coalition government to the PSOE after the elections of 20-D鈥? 鈥淎fter the previous elections, we analyzed that the only possibility was a grand coalition Executive or a pact that had been lost with Podemos and the independentists,鈥?he said. We defended the possibility of reaching an agreement with the PSOE and we offered it that way. However, the socialists have pointed out that "they chose to play with each other to take photos and make proposals of all kinds to destroy all the reforms that Rajoy's Government had made."AVE IN ALMER脥AOn the other hand, the GPP spokesperson and number one on the PP list to Congress for Almer铆a, has highlighted that despite the limited resources available to this Government, 鈥渢he PP has finished the A-7 and has extended the AVE to Alicante鈥? 鈥淚n the 2011 campaign, our commitment was to finish the A-7 and we fulfilled, now, our commitment is that the AVE arrives in the next...
« Последнее редактирование: 16.37.2024 18:37:01 pm от MethrenSor »


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Lbuj Matadero Madrid and Ibero-American culture, protagonists of the Madrid Carnival
The delegate of Economy, yeezys Finance and Public Administration, adidas yeezys Concepci贸n Dancausa, dunk low mujer and the rector of the Autonomous University, nike store dunks Jos茅 Mar铆a Sanz, new balance 9060 in the presentation of the Progresa con Madrid Plan, which will give 72 young people from Madrid their first professional opportunity. The Madrid City Council today presented the Progresa con Madrid Plan, which will provide 72 young people from Madrid with their first professional opportunity, through (non-work) internships in companies in our city. The Progresa Plan is an agreement between the Madrid Employment Agency, the Foundation of the Autonomous University of Madrid and the companies that adhere to it, to train young people between 18 and 30 years old, recently graduated, in a 20-year course. ECTS credits, specialized in professional skills andstrategy in the company, as well as the completion of 12-month professional internships in the participating companies. The delegate of Economy, Finance and Public Administration, Concepci贸n Dancausa, and the rector of the Autonomous University, Jos茅 M. Sanz, have signed This agreement has young people as its main objective. Young people are a group especially affected by the drama of the crisis. Administrations have to promote any initiative that contributes to improving their future. Ending unemployment is a priority for the City Council, declared Concepci贸n Dancausa, who has emphasized the importance of having adequate training when accessing a job and keeping it. "For this reason, this year most of the Madrid City Council's employment training programming is orientedencourages the participation of companies. In this context, the Progresa Plan appears as the future path that we must follow...


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Rbme The City Council assumes the report of the Chamber of Accounts on Madrid Cal
The delegate of Family and Social Services, dunk chaussure Concepci贸n Dancausa, dunk high nike will attend tomorrow, Thursday, August 20, baskets yeezy at 11:30 a.m., yeezys the event to be held on the occasion of the first anniversary of the Spanair plane crash 5022....


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Oxhike The Great Citizen Game arrives in Madrid
« Ответ #3 : 15.18.2024 18:18:48 pm »

Qqcs Fire 'insurance' for Casa de Campo
I want to ask you, dunk high nike boot, adidas yeezys are you guys dangerous? I say this because yesterday Felipe Gonz谩lez, new balance f眉r herren in the advice he gave to Zapatero, nike dunk said something from the jugular... Those who are a public danger for the Spanish, converse plateau especially for the middle class, is the PSOE. It is the party that has put on the table the largest social cut in all of democracy, so those who are a public danger are the PSOE taking charge of the crises in this country. The usual ones pay, the weaker classes. How do you value the reappearance of an old socialist shrink, in this case Felipe Gonz谩lez, who had not shown his face in public for a long time, supporting Zapatero and even talking about a possible depression of the president of the Government? I believe that former President Felipe Gonz谩lez has a 'pro' week and another 'anti' week. I think he has the weekto 'pro Zapatero', we will wait for the next one because not a week ago I was saying that this Government was foolish. "It is wise to rectify, but it is foolish to do it daily." It seems that he has a dual personality depending on his turn. I think it was perhaps an act of collective therapy, of tight ranks, at a very bad time for the PSOE. But I would remind the socialists, due to their responsibility, what is being a terrible time for pensioners, for civil servants, for the middle classes and for all Spaniards because, next week, the president comes with the discounts raising the VAT to all. By the way, two years of negotiating with the Employers and the unions and then failing and probably reaching a 'decree' that makes dismissal cheaper. Is that a left-wing way out of the crisis, as Zapatero said? Zapatero has already lost any type of principle of respect for electoral principles that he could have done one day. I think thisIt is a very clear setback against the legacy of Jos茅 Luis Rodr铆guez Zapatero, the supposed president of the temperament, who after two years has not arrived...


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Lbgqcy New Orleans Plaza Redevelopment Will Revitalize District
« Ответ #4 : 17.56.2024 15:56:53 pm »

Yoqb The Olympic federations with Madrid 16
Floats in which the Three Wise Men will go during the parade on next January 5. Madrid finalizes the preparations to receive the visit of their Majesties the Three Wise Men, yeezy ciabatte during the afternoon of next January 5. On the occasion of the long-awaited visit, the city will host the great festival of the Three Kings Parade. This year Her Majesties arrive with a very specific message, nb aimed at making Madrid residents reflect on the importance of nature and the care and respect of the planet. In this way, yeezy slide this Parade has been inspired by the leitmotif of nature, yeezy boost 350 in a tribute to the earth, yeezy slides and the four seasons, which will be represented through the different elements of the parade. This morning, the director of the Christmas Campaign, Delia Piccirilli, showed the floats of theRoyal Entourage, central pieces of the parade, as well as some of the elements designed by the Arts Area around the Four Seasons. All of them are integrated into a parade that this year will have a total of 27 elements. The Cavalcade parade will cross the central axis of Paseo de la Castellana, starting at Plaza San Juan de la Cruz, corner of Nuevos Ministerios, and will run through: Plaza de Doctor Mara帽贸n, Emilio Castelar roundabout, under the Juan Bravo bridge ; Plaza de Col贸n and Paseo de Recoletos, ending in Plaza de Cibeles. Like last year, the route has allowed the installation of 14,000 seats for Madrid residents throughout the parade. Once again, the Cavalcade proposes a plot thread that brings together and gives meaning to the entire show. On this occasion this plot line has focused on nature, through sus four seasons, which are represented in different elements. Thus the '09 Parade not only "honor...


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Kitohp The residents of Barcel贸 choose their garden
« Ответ #5 : 18.11.2024 18:11:08 pm »

Rqzu Calvo inaugurates a new vehicle depot in Vic谩lvaro
The president of the PP assures that the president of the Government did not attend the Debate of the State of the Nation to present measures against inflation or the crisis, yeezys but "to contain the decomposition of the parliamentary majority" He emphasizes that the only recipe of the Executive consists of raising taxes, yeezys 350,000 despite the fact that it has already decreed 24 increases in just two years and this is noticeable in an increase in collection of more than 15,000 million in half a year that does not return to homes:聽鈥淭he recipe of S谩nchez to face the crisis of price increases is to raise prices more.鈥?鈥淚t seems like a brilliant plan鈥? [url=https://www.nike-dunk.it] dunk panda ironizes. He interprets S谩nchez's supposed turn to the left in the Debate with which he had to satisfy his partners before attending to the interest of the Spaniards and warns that 鈥淪pain is living in the moment.鈥?most complicated in 30 years鈥?from an economic point of view, nike dunks panda as the latest have confirmedlatest downward forecasts from the European Commission and as the unemployment data, nb inflation or deficit in relation to the community partners continue to make clear: 鈥淲e know that this is an uncomfortable truth for the president, but we have not come here to lie to the people,鈥?he points out while emphasizing that a responsible ruler must accept reality and take measures to address the problems. 鈥淪谩nchez has chosen the exact opposite path,鈥?he says. He reproaches the Government for denying reality for months and warns that in this way 鈥渋t is impossible to get the diagnosis right.鈥?鈥淚f you lie to the doctor about the symptoms and do not let him do tests, it is almost impossible to find the disease and apply the correct treatment,鈥?he points out, in response to S谩nchez's words in the Debate on healers and doctors. 鈥淲hat What S谩nchez wants to hear is that he does everything very well," he considers and highlights that "it is the crudest trick of populism: when everything fails, the fault always lies with others."ro鈥澛燞e wonders if the Bank of Spain, the INE or all the businessmen, workers and families who do not reach final...


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Wdwput Fern谩n G贸mez presents Clandestina, within the 'Pasi' cycle
« Ответ #6 : 19.17.2024 16:17:16 pm »

Wplw The City Council launches the campaign 'All you need is
'Nobel Women' arrives in Madrid the day after tomorrow, yeezy flip flops Wednesday, yeezy schuhe September 20. The exhibition, nike store dunk , which will remain at the National Museum of Natural Sciences for six months, yeezy schuh , is an invitation to delve into the life and work of 12 women who have been recognized with what may be the award most prestigious in the world, new balance 550,000 the Nobel Prize. They are Maria Salomea Sklodowska-Curie, Ir猫ne Joliot-Curie, Wangari Muta Maathai, Bertha von Suttner, Selma Ottilia Lovisa Lagerl枚f, Rita Levi-Montalcini, May-Britt Moser, Elizabeth Helen Blackburn, Carol Widney Greider, Ada Yonath, Nelly Sachs and Teresa from Calcutta. The exhibition, curated by Bel茅n Yuste and Sonnia L. Rivas-Caballero, also includes two women who were on the verge of winning the award: the Polish Irena Sendler and the Spanishde;ola Concha Espina.The mayor of Madrid, Manuela Carmena, received today in the Patio del Magnolio of the Casa de la Villa diplomatic representatives and different cultural institutions that have made possible an exhibition that took four years to prepare. . It has been organized by the Higher Council for Scientific Research, the National Museum of Natural Sciences and Rocaviva Events with the support of the Madrid City Council, among other institutions. 鈥淭he City Council is committed to getting on the podium and giving visibility to the lives of women , especially the women who did something so remarkable, who were worthy of the Nobel Prize,鈥?declared Carmena. Along these lines, the organizers of the exhibition highlight that the main objective is to make society, especially youth, aware of those women who have fought for an ideal and have become world leaders.in various fields./Access all the information about this exhibition at www.mujeresnobel.eu...


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Zupw Casado: 鈥淭he supposed good management and honesty of nationalism has been buried
The Sabatini Gardens will host starting tomorrow, asics outlets August 7, yeezy schuhe the zarzuela La Verbena de la Paloma, dunks nike store within the Los Veranos de la Villa programming, yeezy 350 by the Compa帽铆a L铆rica Maestra Dolores Marcos, yeezy foam directed by 脕ngel Fern谩ndez Montesinos and starring Lu铆s 脕lvarez, Milagros Mart铆n and Marco Moncloa, among others. La Verbena de La Paloma is a masterpiece of our musical theater, where its protagonists They prepare to go to a festival believing that there they will solve their love problems, but the fact is that they never meet at the festival, because a phenomenal fight frustrates their intentions. Thus, the viewer never sees the Verbena that our protagonists want to reach. In this new version of the Lyric CompanyMaestro Dolores Marco and 脕ngel Fern谩ndez Montesinos, faithful to the time in which it was written, attempts are made for the first time, as cinema has always done, to recreate that festival, so that the viewer can have fun with its types, its customs, its dance contests, raffles, etc... located in Madrid de Gald贸s. La Verbena de La Paloma has musical numbers taken from emblematic titles of the small genre, such as El Amigo Melquiades and El Pobre Valbuena. Thus, Don Hilari贸n, Casta, Susana, Aunt Antonia, Se帽谩 Rita and Juli谩n, the honest printer's typesetter... will all be confronted by poorly repressed jealousy, which, as Calder贸n de la Barca said..."still they kill from the air"./...


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Yriqpw Madrid Emprende served 19,000 entrepreneurs in 2010
« Ответ #8 : 21.02.2024 22:02:45 pm »

Voat For its use of technology for citizen care
The mayor of the City of Madrid, new balance 327 Alberto Ruiz-Gallard贸n, yeezy 350 will visit tomorrow, Friday, yeezy slides April 9, adidas yeezys boost at 12:30 p.m., nike store dunk the district of Usera. There you will take a tour of the Road Education School, where you will visit the Road Education Tracks and the Bike-Trial Circuit. The next stop on this visit will be the 鈥淟a Oliva鈥?Nursery School, from where you will go to the Usera Market, the Visual Artists Workshop of the Madrid City Council (Talleres AVAM), and the open-air auditorium of the Parque Lineal del Manzanares, where will visit the facilities.

Note: at 11:30 a.m. a bus will leave from Montalb谩n Street for the media who wish to attend this event.


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Xkjn The regional government has provided training on the subject to 900 centers in the region.
Coinciding with National Library Day, adidas samba the Women's Institute presents the improvements incorporated into the reading awareness and encouragement programs carried out by the Documentation Center of the Institute itself. The 'Traveling Backpack' is a collective loan program that the Women's Institute makes available to the Women's Centers, newbalance 550,000 in addition to the Reception Resources. The director explained that "the objectives pursued are to introduce children to the world of reading and books, [url=https://www.nbbalance.it] new balance 996 and to complement the comprehensive attention provided to them in the Resource Network." Another novelty introduced to the 'Travel Backpack' is that it has eighty-eight more materials to choose from, adidas samba to which an audiovisual section has been incorporated, adidas campus 鈥淢aterials have been incorporated to work coeducation, stories and lectures with a gender perspective aimed at childhood and adolescence,鈥?stated the director of the Women's Institute. In addition, the 'Travel Backpack' has a documentary set that is part of the Children's Point of Interest, a space in the Documentation Center that, as Araceli Mart铆nez has detailed, has 鈥渞eadings aimed at various age groups and other resources, such as reading guides, to be used by people who work on encouraging reading with creatures.鈥?'The Traveling Suitcase' Program Regarding the 'Travelling Suitcase', the director of the Women's Institute has stated that "more than fifty percent of the monographic documentary and audiovisual batches are renewed." The batch of monographs has incorporated documents on the prevention of gender violence focused primarily on adolescence, coeducation and health, and in addition, the narrative offering has been expanded. In the case of audiovisuals 鈥渕usic and film have been includeds and new documentaries, all with a gender perspective,鈥?Mart铆nez explained. This loan service is aimed at Cen...


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Exiyzn Flamenco, music-fusion and ballet
« Ответ #10 : 24.52.2024 03:52:44 am »

Vtif Calvo presents Samur's cardiopulmonary resuscitation data
Starting in 2019, the city of Madrid will become a place of temporary protection for activists persecuted in other parts of the world thanks to the Temporary Reception Program for Human Rights Defenders, yeezys 350 that has been presented to the public today. The event, dunk nike low that took place at the Cibeles Palace, air force was attended by the third deputy mayor, new balance f眉r damen Mauricio Valiente; the director of Mundubat, yeezy 500 Antonio Montoro; an activist from the R铆os Vivos Colombia Movement, Rudy Estela Posada, and a representative of the Justice and Peace Commission of Colombia, Carlos Fern谩ndez. 鈥淭he implementation of this plan means another step in the municipal policy of global citizenship and cooperation with the development that is being implemented by different organizationsmunicipal actions in compliance with the Strategic Human Rights Plan,鈥?declared Mauricio Valiente, third deputy mayor of the Madrid City Council. For his part, the director of Mundubat, Antonio Montoro, has highlighted the international relevance of human rights defenders. , ensuring that 鈥渢heir commitment is essential to make visible situations of social injustice, combat impunity and promote democratic processes around the world.鈥?Montoro has pointed out that with this temporary shelter "we ensure that they continue to carry out their activity, we strengthen safe mechanisms so that they can carry out the important work they do." Mauricio Valiente has assured: "there cannot be human rights without people who defend them" and He explained that for this reason 鈥渋n their forced displacements outside their countries they experience double suffering. On the one hand, havingThey have to leave everything, family, friends, work, and on the other hand because they leave with the feeling that those who attack and violate these...


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Asejib Date with the best badminton in the world
« Ответ #11 : 24.41.2024 19:41:15 pm »

Bdhr "Spain fulfills its commitments"
The mayor of Madrid, nike jordan damen Ana Botella, yeezy boost will attend tomorrow, Thursday, yeezy slide on November 28, yeezy at 10:00 a.m., yeezy boost to the Ordinary Plenary Session of the City Council corresponding to the month of November....


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Frqb The Integrated Care Management of Ciudad Real incorporates Humanization as
The Governing Council has agreed at its weekly meeting to declare an Asset of Cultural Interest, adidas samba rose in the category of Intangible Asset, adidas sneakers campus the 'La Endiablada' party in Almonacid del Marquesado (Cuenca), adidas campus damen which is celebrated every year on the first days of February in honor of the Virgin of Candelaria and San Blas. 'La Endiablada' is one of the oldest traditions of Castilla-La Mancha and with this recognition 鈥渨e want to highlight a living intangible heritage that has remained unchanged over time, campus adidas that has great representative and symbolic value and which also constitutes the hallmarks, stanley-cup not only of this town, but of our entire region.鈥?鈥淔or all these reasons, we consider that this declaration is deserved,鈥?explained the Minister of Equality and spokesperson for the regional Government, Blanca Fern谩ndez. The counselor recalled that the Government regional declared this festival of Regional Tourist Interest in 2010 and now, 鈥渨ith this new declaration, we once again show support for this town because we understand that keeping traditions alive is of great importance from a tourist and cultural point of view.鈥?'La Endiablada' is the name of this festive manifestation of immemorial tradition in which more than one hundred 'Devils' dressed in brightly colored costumes and large cowbells hanging on their backs walk through the streets of the town, accompanied by the so-called 'Danzantas', taking out the saints in procession and dedicating dances and jumps to them. For centuries, a legend that explains the origins of 'La Endiablada', both for the Virgin of the Candelas and for San Blas, has been celebrated in this town among whose citizens has been transmitted orally, from generation to generation. 鈥淏y declaring this festival as an Asset of Cultural Interest, the Government of Emiliano Garc铆a-Page wants to praise the work that for a centuryIt has maintained and enriched its population by keeping tradition alive. Furthermore, we are convinced that the declaration and protection of...


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Ytxf The Caja M谩gica receives the great figures of world tennis from December 24 to
Disability and entrepreneurship are compatible, yeezy damen this is what the Madrid City Council understands. Marta Higueras, nike dunk low delegate of the Equity Area, nike dunks Social Rights and Employment, dunk high has inaugurated today the summer course 鈥淒isability vs Entrepreneurship: strategies and resources for the success of the entrepreneur with different abilities 鈥?which takes place in the Vic谩lvaro Business Incubator, yeezy within the II National Week of Entrepreneurs with Disabilities organized by the Rey Juan Carlos University. For Higueras 鈥渨e can all start a business, whether we are people with disabilities or not. Disability is part of human diversity and that is how we have to perceive it. It is neither better nor worse, it is just different, as are each and every one of the people who are here present.鈥?鈥淒isability vs. Entrepreneurshipto鈥?combines the traditional methodology of summer courses with practical coaching workshops: it will analyze the strategies available to guarantee the highest degree of autonomy for the entrepreneur with specialized advice; will explain the benefit of the Start-up; the resources and alternatives that encourage the beginning of the entrepreneurial career (or the strengthening of projects), will supervise the current scenario for the entrepreneur with disabilities and will guide in the market positioning phases of the personal projects of the participants, especially in the financing and branding or business and personal branding. From the Business Incubator Network of the Madrid City Council, belonging to the Directorate of Commerce and Entrepreneurship, we work from inclusion to all people who want to carry out their projects by becoming entrepreneurs. Hence the leitmotif of asupport for entrepreneurship in 2016 carried out by the Area of 鈥嬧€婨quity, Social Rights and Employment, If you think not...


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csaf 30,000 athletes in the Municipal Tournaments
« Ответ #14 : 26.58.2024 07:58:26 am »

Ojve The City Council awarded for the work of Madrid Emprende
Like every year around this time, adidas yeezys the Environment Department of the Madrid City Council has designed a special Cleaning and Waste Collection Plan for the Christmas holidays. This plan began on December 18 and ends on January 8. The Plan has been structured into two special devices, adidas yeezys cleaning and waste collection. The special cleaning device will attend the parties, yeezys slide flea markets, dunk nike low cavalcades of kings, adidas yeezys district parties and other events held in Madrid these days, without forgetting the ordinary cleaning of the city.The special waste collection device reinforces night and daytime collection services on key dates of these holidays as well as paper-cardboard and glass container services.Special DeviceStreet Cleaning: It is structured in four operational devices: 鈥enter to attend to the different events and events of the Christmas and Three Kings Program of the Madrid City Council, as well as the commercial hubs and traditional Christmas markets of the Plaza Mayor and Spain. 鈥istricts , to attend the Christmas programs of the 21 Juntas, the commercial hubs, Christmas markets and ice rinks, as well as the Three Kings Parade of the Districts of Madrid.鈥?Three Kings Parade, to attend a foreseeable January 5, 2009 concentration of Madrid residents along the axis of La Castellana between Nuevos Ministerios and Cibeles and adjacent streets. To address these operational devices, the Environment Government Area has reinforced the Street Cleaning Service by 10.17% in human resources and 4.95% in mechanical elements. For the next few days it will be countedwith 1,376 new operators, and mechanical means in 318 new services. In addition, the Special Urgent Cleaning Service (...